Corruption of champions revamp mod virtility
Corruption of champions revamp mod virtility

corruption of champions revamp mod virtility

Not a single piece of content added by vanilla was ever revisited, refactored, revised, or brought back up to the then current standards. This historically has left a very bad taste in my mouth if you'd realize what game this is. >303 >It is easier for me to stay motivated if I feel like I am taking small steps forward constantly, even if some of them get improved later on. Like trying to make the player out to be the asshole when we oppose his precious self-insert raping Amily, or how later he made some badger thing in TiTS that out of nowhere irreversibly turns your character into a bimbo forever with no warning if you called yourself a hero, and he had the gall to be shocked by all the people that wanted the option to kill it. So, you get the player to be a chosen champion here to save the multiverse from rape-demons, then you throw an asshole horse who mind-controls and rapes people into mindless cock-sleeves and insults the PC, who can potentially incinerate things with his mind, at every chance he gets, and give the player no method of giving the centaur what he deserves without trying to make it look like the player was the asshole for not letting the rape horse continue doing douchey rape-horse bullshit unchallenged. This can be made even worse though, the writer might have zero idea as to how to make a likeable character that wouldn't make the world a better place by dying. This proves particularly troublesome with certain fetishes like domination, humiliation, and cuckshit, which often have scenes that play out like a fail-state. If the obvious option that would avoid the writer's fetish is present, it is more often than not a trap option that punishes the player. This leads to the writer in question to not even consider adding options that most people would immediately think of, or worse add no options at all or have all the options lead to the same result.

corruption of champions revamp mod virtility

Often times amateur devs/writers lack restraint and self-awareness. If you ever touched the EraGames, millionaire. Kelt has some good scenes and ideas to him, but suffered the same curse as most characters written by some oversensitive retard who puts way too much stock into his fetish, furry, cuck, or otherwise.

corruption of champions revamp mod virtility

I remember that even the folks in Fenfag's forums wanted to kill the cunt. Remember to save to file to prevent save loss. Use a standalone flash player (projector), this shit is no longer supported by any web browser. The mod is open to content submissions, anons can and are writing new content to be implemented all the time. This is the Corruption of Champions mod being developed by OtherCoCAnon and the denizens of /hgg/.Ĭorruption of Champions is a text-based flash game overhauled with new dungeons, new mechanics, new characters, and a lot of lolis.

Corruption of champions revamp mod virtility